Dean Krauskopf Ph.D of 760 WJR Shares Gardening Wisdom

In his annual spring talk to MGAWC members on April 9th, 2015, Dean Krauskopf, Ph.D., host of The Gardening Show on News/Talk 760 WJR, put weather conditions into a broader context, discussed the lowest temperatures the last two winters, shared the latest information about the top problems he expects gardeners to deal with this year, and provided links to accurate information that members might use or pass on to others. He also answered gardening questions from the audience. 

Dean retired from MSU as the Integrated Crop Management Agent for Southeastern Michigan. He taught many Master Gardener training classes, often speaks atGrowing with Master Gardeners, and is the inspiration for MGAWC's annual Dean Krauskopf Award for volunteer contributions to community education. His doctorate in horticulture is from North Carolina State University. 

Here are some resources that Dean provided: